Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Short Story Idea (Unfinished) - The Infomercial
I turned my head, the pillow cool to the touch; my body following slowly. My neck was sore from the odd angle and extra pillows I'd been sleeping on; I think that's what woke me up.
I reached under and removed the top one slowly, and without opening my eyes, tossing it by my feet and the dog.
I tried to focus my eyes on the clock radio hoping it was still hours till the alarm howled in my ear. It wasn't easy, the red glow of the LED piercing my retinas in the early morning. Crap - very early morning.
Not quite awake, I rolled back to my left and reached over pat my wife's soft butt.
"What the hell?" I sleepy asked the empty space beside me.
Empty because my wife of twenty five years was not there. Not sleeping quietly, peacefully dreaming about some hot actors tight jeans or floating along a Venetian canal, romantic music playing in the background. At least that's what I assumed most normal forty year old women dreamed about.
As a thirty eight year old man I know I'd be dreaming about some hot starlet in tight jeans. Not that I would ever admit that to my wife. Not that she's not hot, because she is. But that's not the point and I've strayed way off topic.
"What the hell am I thinking about?" I whisper to no one.
Jolting myself back to reality, I knew where she was, sitting in front of the television, in the basement. I looked back at the clock - three-fifteen in the morning.
"Shit, not again".
************ TO BE CONTINUED ***************
I reached under and removed the top one slowly, and without opening my eyes, tossing it by my feet and the dog.
I tried to focus my eyes on the clock radio hoping it was still hours till the alarm howled in my ear. It wasn't easy, the red glow of the LED piercing my retinas in the early morning. Crap - very early morning.
Not quite awake, I rolled back to my left and reached over pat my wife's soft butt.
"What the hell?" I sleepy asked the empty space beside me.
Empty because my wife of twenty five years was not there. Not sleeping quietly, peacefully dreaming about some hot actors tight jeans or floating along a Venetian canal, romantic music playing in the background. At least that's what I assumed most normal forty year old women dreamed about.
As a thirty eight year old man I know I'd be dreaming about some hot starlet in tight jeans. Not that I would ever admit that to my wife. Not that she's not hot, because she is. But that's not the point and I've strayed way off topic.
"What the hell am I thinking about?" I whisper to no one.
Jolting myself back to reality, I knew where she was, sitting in front of the television, in the basement. I looked back at the clock - three-fifteen in the morning.
"Shit, not again".
************ TO BE CONTINUED ***************
My First Attempt at Poetry
Are You Real? By William DeSouza · Tuesday, 31 July 2012
I think; therefore you are.You are as real to me as my mind allows, and my mind allows for much.
For reality is fleeting as I age;
So, are you real? Am I?
Or are we the stuff of someones other reality...
UPDATE: The Novella 'Jamaican Heat' (Located HERE) has been updated effective July 2012.
I have made some small updates to the story along with adding more content. This story is taking on a life of its own and by the end of this week I am hoping to have it down to 95% finished (I hope). We all know the saying "best laid plans....yada yada..." but I'm sequestering myself for an unknown number of hours to get this done (wish me luck).
Its at this point that I should point out that 'Jamaican Heat' is now considered Rated 'M' for Mature due to sexual content and language. To think, this began as a simple short story; it is no longer simple and way past the 'short' mark but hey, that's what you love about it.
I've had some great feedback by-the-way; mostly from women of course. This is a hint to the guys out there that this is a 'chick-lit' and men be warned, this may not be your type of story. Unless of course you enjoy reading Romance Stories.
Keep on Reading and Enjoy....
I have made some small updates to the story along with adding more content. This story is taking on a life of its own and by the end of this week I am hoping to have it down to 95% finished (I hope). We all know the saying "best laid plans....yada yada..." but I'm sequestering myself for an unknown number of hours to get this done (wish me luck).
Its at this point that I should point out that 'Jamaican Heat' is now considered Rated 'M' for Mature due to sexual content and language. To think, this began as a simple short story; it is no longer simple and way past the 'short' mark but hey, that's what you love about it.
I've had some great feedback by-the-way; mostly from women of course. This is a hint to the guys out there that this is a 'chick-lit' and men be warned, this may not be your type of story. Unless of course you enjoy reading Romance Stories.
Keep on Reading and Enjoy....
"History and truth are interwoven in the fabric of humanity. Humanity however tends to stretch Historical truth like cheap spandex on an overweight wrestler. Its time humanity treats history with the respect it deserves."
by William DeSouza (03 February 2011)
by William DeSouza (03 February 2011)
Monday, July 30, 2012
My Blog App is Now Available on Blackberry's App World

I will be separating my work between the two blogs; keeping my fictional and essay work on Blog Spot with my Science Fiction work going over to WordPress.
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